Written By Umar on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 10:54 PM

Indoor gardeners are discovering the beauty of real, natural palm trees isn't limited to outdoor sub tropical climates. There are several species of palm trees and palm plants that thrive exceptionally well indoors. Here are a few tried and true recommendations for indoor gardeners seeking a touch of the tropics for your home...
Indoor Palm Trees: Can They Grow In Containers?
For many years, indoor gardeners and landscapers avoided live palm plants and opted for artificial varieties. And while artificial palms may provide the desired "look" or effect, they don't offer the beneficial air cleaning benefits of a live plant.
Because palm trees are best known for growing outdoors in sub tropical climates, there's always been the misconception these trees only grow in full sunlight. In most cases and with most species, this simply isn't the case. Many types of palms do best in partial shade, indirect light, or even full shade. The key for indoor gardeners is knowing which types will do best in indoor containers and choosing accordingly...
There are about dozen varieties of palm trees that grow equally well indoors as well as outside. Because they're grown in a container, their height will be somewhat limited which eliminates concern of the tree outgrowing your living space. Further, palm plants can be easily pruned to prevent over growth, although there are specific methods of pruning you should follow so as not to damage the tree...
Recommendations For Indoor Palm Trees
As mentioned, there are at least a dozen palm plants that will do well indoors. Check the specific care requirements for each; this will tell you what type of lighting they need to thrive. Two of the most popular types are the Lady Palm and the Kentia Palm, which are also among the most common species seen worldwide.
Other palm trees and plants you can choose from include the Areca, Parlor, Majesty, and Christmas variety. Their names refer to how they are most commonly known among botanists, gardeners, and landscapers. You can also experience great success growing Pygmy Date, Metallica, Chinese Fan, and Sago palm trees indoors. Pictures and detailed information about all these varieties is available at our palm tree resource website.
Optimally, you should choose from these varieties because they are proven winners when grown indoors in containers. As an added benefit, most palm plants are very low maintenance. They are remarkably pest free and usually need watering only once or twice a week. Since they historically thrive in humid weather, a gentle mist of water a few times a week will provide the humidity they enjoy, even if your home is somewhat dry.
Other than choosing a proper species, the main success factor is lighting. To slightly varying degrees, all of the types of palms mentioned above enjoy indirect light, although some exposure to direct sunlight won't hurt them at all and may be beneficial. Their lighting requirements, or actually better stated as their limited lighting needs, make them a very flexible tree or plant for just about any living space...
Finally, most palm trees grown in containers will enjoy some time spent outdoors in the warmer months of the year, but it's certainly not required. If you do place your tree outdoors on a deck or patio, just be sure to gently acclimate them to direct sunlight. Too much immediate exposure to the sun can cause burnt leaves (typically known as fronds) and will damage your plant.


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